16 research outputs found

    Echo Cancellation - A Likelihood Ratio Test for Double-talk Versus Channel Change

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    Echo cancellers are in wide use in both electrical (four wire to two wire mismatch) and acoustic (speaker-microphone coupling) applications. One of the main design problems is the control logic for adaptation. Basically, the algorithm weights should be frozen in the presence of double-talk and adapt quickly in the absence of double-talk. The control logic can be quite complicated since it is often not easy to discriminate between the echo signal and the near-end speaker. This paper derives a log likelihood ratio test (LRT) for deciding between double-talk (freeze weights) and a channel change (adapt quickly) using a stationary Gaussian stochastic input signal model. The probability density function of a sufficient statistic under each hypothesis is obtained and the performance of the test is evaluated as a function of the system parameters. The receiver operating characteristics (ROCs) indicate that it is difficult to correctly decide between double-talk and a channel change based upon a single look. However, post-detection integration of approximately one hundred sufficient statistic samples yields a detection probability close to unity (0.99) with a small false alarm probability (0.01)

    Echo Cancellation : the generalized likelihood ratio test for double-talk vs. channel change

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    Echo cancellers are required in both electrical (impedance mismatch) and acoustic (speaker-microphone coupling) applications. One of the main design problems is the control logic for adaptation. Basically, the algorithm weights should be frozen in the presence of double-talk and adapt quickly in the absence of double-talk. The optimum likelihood ratio test (LRT) for this problem was studied in a recent paper. The LRT requires a priori knowledge of the background noise and double-talk power levels. Instead, this paper derives a generalized log likelihood ratio test (GLRT) that does not require this knowledge. The probability density function of a sufficient statistic under each hypothesis is obtained and the performance of the test is evaluated as a function of the system parameters. The receiver operating characteristics (ROCs) indicate that it is difficult to correctly decide between double-talk and a channel change, based upon a single look. However, detection based on about 200 successive samples yields a detection probability close to unity (0.99) with a small false alarm probability (0.01) for the theoretical GLRT model. Application of a GLRT-based echo canceller (EC) to real voice data shows comparable performance to that of the LRT-based EC given in a recent paper

    An affine combination of two LMS adaptive filters - Transient mean-square analysis

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    This paper studies the statistical behavior of an affine combination of the outputs of two LMS adaptive filters that simultaneously adapt using the same white Gaussian inputs. The purpose of the combination is to obtain an LMS adaptive filter with fast convergence and small steady-state mean-square deviation (MSD). The linear combination studied is a generalization of the convex combination, in which the combination factor λ(n)\lambda(n) is restricted to the interval (0,1)(0,1). The viewpoint is taken that each of the two filters produces dependent estimates of the unknown channel. Thus, there exists a sequence of optimal affine combining coefficients which minimizes the MSE. First, the optimal unrealizable affine combiner is studied and provides the best possible performance for this class. Then two new schemes are proposed for practical applications. The mean-square performances are analyzed and validated by Monte Carlo simulations. With proper design, the two practical schemes yield an overall MSD that is usually less than the MSD's of either filter

    Stochastic Analysis of the LMS Algorithm for System Identification with Subspace Inputs

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    This paper studies the behavior of the low rank LMS adaptive algorithm for the general case in which the input transformation may not capture the exact input subspace. It is shown that the Independence Theory and the independent additive noise model are not applicable to this case. A new theoretical model for the weight mean and fluctuation behaviors is developed which incorporates the correlation between successive data vectors (as opposed to the Independence Theory model). The new theory is applied to a network echo cancellation scheme which uses partial-Haar input vector transformations. Comparison of the new model predictions with Monte Carlo simulations shows good-to-excellent agreement, certainly much better than predicted by the Independence Theory based model available in the literature

    Stochastic analysis of an error power ratio scheme applied to the affine combination of two LMS adaptive filters

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    The affine combination of two adaptive filters that simultaneously adapt on the same inputs has been actively investigated. In these structures, the filter outputs are linearly combined to yield a performance that is better than that of either filter. Various decision rules can be used to determine the time-varying parameter for combining the filter outputs. A recently proposed scheme based on the ratio of error powers of the two filters has been shown by simulation to achieve nearly optimum performance. The purpose of this paper is to present a first analysis of the statistical behavior of this error power scheme for white Gaussian inputs. Expressions are derived for the mean behavior of the combination parameter and for the adaptive weight mean-square deviation. Monte Carlo simulations show good to excellent agreement with the theoretical predictions

    Statistical analysis of a two-layer backpropagation algorithm used for modeling nonlinear memoryless channels: The single neuron case

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    Abstract — Neural networks have been used for modeling the nonlinear characteristics of memoryless nonlinear channels using backpropagation (BP) learning with experimental training data. In order to better understand this neural network application, this paper studies the transient and convergence properties of a simplified two-layer neural network that uses the BP algorithm and is trained with zero mean Gaussian data. The paper studies the effects of the neural net structure, weights, initial conditions, and algorithm step size on the mean square error (MSE) of the neural net approximation. The performance analysis is based on the derivation of recursions for the mean weight update that can be used to predict the weights and the MSE over time. Monte Carlo simulations display good to excellent agreement between the actual behavior and the predictions of the theoretical model. I

    A New Decision-Theory-Based Framework for Echo Canceler Control

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    International audienceA control logic has a central role in many echo can- cellation systems for optimizing the performance of adaptive fil- ters, while estimating the echo path. For reliable control, accurate double-talk and channel change detectors are usually incorporated to the echo canceler. This work expands the usual detection strat- egy to define a classification problem characterizing four possible states of the echo canceler operation. The new formulation allows the use of decision theory to continuously control the transitions among the different modes of operation. The classification rule re- duces to a low-cost statistics, for which it is possible to determine the probability of error under all hypotheses, allowing the clas- sification performance to be accessed analytically. Monte Carlo simulations using synthetic and real data illustrate the reliability of the proposed method